Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day 15-9 Sefirat HaBinyan/Building the Realm and Counting Up

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalom (Reb Zalman) wrote:
“People who have worked on their awareness have pointed out that there are 49 days from the end of Tish’ah b-Av / the fast of the 9th of Av, to the day before Rosh HaShannah.  In counting S’feerah between Pesach andShavu’ot, we make our way downward from Chesed of Chesed to Malchut of Malchut.  During the Elul  season, we make our way upward from Malchut of Malchut toChesed of Chesed.”  (A Guide for Starting Your New Incarnation, 2001, ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, p. 1)
I will use this way of counting up through the days between Tisha b'Av and Rosh HaShannah to cleansing spirit and soul, using the sefirot as a spark for personal daily meditations to map out and reflect on the journey. Below are my kavanot or intentions for climbing up from 5773 to 5774.


“Psalm 27:13-[They would have crushed me] had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. (#1)” Giving myself and others gentle compassion that there is hope at the end of the tunnel. Everyone must have hope to go on. Each of us must have hope and belief in our own hearts but also reach out to those we see in need.“Psalm 27:13- I wouldn't have survived If I hadn't hoped that I would see, yet, Your goodness, God, fully alive on earth. (#2)”

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 15 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 2 weeks, and 1 days, Chesed Sheb’ Tiferet.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/Psalm 27 #1 translated by Y.B. Marcus, Nissen Mangel and Eliyahu Touger, #2 translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)


“Psalm 27:14- Hope in the Lord, be strong and let your heart be valiant, and hope in the Lord. (#1)” We must believe with conviction and we must say with belief that it can happen in our time. If we can open our hearts to the goodness in each other, to the light not the darkness and be disciplined to always look for it in ourselves and in each other. If we do we can have heaven on earth.“Psalm 27:14-I wouldn't have survived If I hadn't hoped that I would see, yet, Your goodness, God, fully alive on earth. (#2)”

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 14 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 2 weeks, Malchut Sheb’ Gevurah.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/Psalm 27 #1 translated by Y.B. Marcus, Nissen Mangel and Eliyahu Touger, #2 translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)


A week in a seminary living in a monk cell for my Jewish chanting retreat and there was no tv. Then I spent three days staying in a Japanese spa in a room not a monk cell but without a tv. For ten days I was in spaces without tvs and so I have watched no tv nor missed it. Tonight my new hotel has a tv and I am watching it. I thought perhaps I had acquired the discipline to ignore a tv after being without it but I was wrong. How strong is my discipline? It needs bonding because it cannot exist on its own.

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 13 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 1 week, and 6 days  Yesod Sheb’ Gevurah.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)


Well, well well, the first night I didn’t make it to writing a kavanah. Exhausted from touring and finding comfort in hot water and clean sheets could be my excuse. I suppose the excitement of going up the tram to the top of the Sandia mountains to watch the sunset and then thinking about a hot air balloon ride this morning were distractions. Well pride goes before a fall when you are disciplined but forget about being humble. Obviously still more to work on in these last days.

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 12 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 1 week, and 5 days  Hod Sheb’ Gevurah.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)


The sun rises everyday even if we don’t see it. I have seen sunrises from the ground and from a plane. I have seen the sunrise from many different countries but this morning was the first morning to see the sunrise while being in a hot air balloon. I saw the same sunrise and yet it was fresh. Perhaps we need something new now and then to see things in a different way. Maybe we should look at which of our regular rules and regs might benefit from being seen through a different prisim.

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 11 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 1 week, and 4 days Netzach Sheb’ Gevurah.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)


Being disciplined to wake up for early air flights is something I am always amazed I can do. I set two alarms but in my head I know there will be no ignoring the alarms as I might on any other morning. There is a flight to be caught and maybe a hotel bill to settle and sometimes a rental car to return. Getting to the airport and getting through security has to be accounted for as well. I have learned to be compassionate towards myself since it means I will end up not sleeping long enough and I love my 8 hours of sleep. It is the price to be paid.

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 10 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 1 week, and 3 days Tiferet Sheb’ Gevurah.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)


We are not yet at the Jewish new year but we are approaching a new school year when discipline and organization become especially important. From my vacation I am hoping to bring in even more of the outdoorsfor the children I will be teaching and for myself because I know that being close to nature is calming. It is easier just to stay inside. I will really need to find a way to keep my own focus on the trees and what they represent and in my joy carry the children along with me.

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 9 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 1 week, and 2 days Gevurah Sheb’ Gevurah.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Day 22-16 Sefirat HaBinyan/Building the Realm and Counting Up

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalom (Reb Zalman) wrote:
“People who have worked on their awareness have pointed out that there are 49 days from the end of Tish’ah b-Av / the fast of the 9th of Av, to the day before Rosh HaShannah.  In counting S’feerah between Pesach andShavu’ot, we make our way downward from Chesed of Chesed to Malchut of Malchut.  During the Elul  season, we make our way upward from Malchut of Malchut toChesed of Chesed.”  (A Guide for Starting Your New Incarnation, 2001, ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, p. 1)
I will use this way of counting up through the days between Tisha b'Av and Rosh HaShannah to cleansing spirit and soul, using the sefirot as a spark for personal daily meditations to map out and reflect on the journey. Below are my kavanot or intentions for climbing up from 5773 to 5774.

“Psalm 27:6- And then my head will be raised above my enemies around me, and I will offer in His tabernacle sacrifices of jubilation; I will sing and chant to the Lord. (#1)” Even the strongest of us need love to endure. The Lord does not forget me but I must be counted by my earthly family too. As we sing Halleluyah up to the One let me gather in my holy sisters and brothers to celebrate. “Psalm 27:6- And now, as You have held my head high despite the presence of my powerful foes I prepare to celebrate and thrill, singing and making music to You, Yah!”(#2)

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 22 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 3 weeks, and 1 days, Chesed Sheb’ Netzach.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/Psalm 27 #1 translated by Y.B. Marcus, Nissen Mangel and Eliyahu Touger, #2 translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)
“Psalm 27:7- Lord, hear my voice as I call; be gracious to me and answer me. (#1)” Getting closer and into a week of compassion. There are no distractions and God and I get right to the point. What’s that? So I need to show I can really forgive and start off with a clean slate? Can I use the text of the Torah to become more open or as Reb Shefa puts it, more porous? Not to worry for I will keep my dignity. “Psalm 27:7- Listen Yah, to the sound of my cry And, being kind, answer me!”(#2)

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 21 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 3 weeks, Malchut Sheb’ Tiferet.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/Psalm 27 #1 translated by Y.B. Marcus, Nissen Mangel and Eliyahu Touger, #2 translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)

“Psalm 27:8- In Your behalf my heart says, ‘Seek My countenance’; Your countenance, Lord, I seek. (#1)” During a ritual today at my retreat we were asked what stops our flow?  What do we do to keep ourselves from getting what we want. If I want to bond with God what then is keeping me from doing it? Fear? Compassion should be shown to others but it also has to be shown to ourselves. I don’t fear the lack of God’s love but  lack of someone to catch me when I fall. “Psalm 27:8- My heart has said, I turn to seek you. Your presence is what I beg for.(#2)”

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 20 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 2 weeks, and 6 days, Yesod Sheb’ Tiferet.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/Psalm 27 #1 translated by Y.B. Marcus, Nissen Mangel and Eliyahu Touger, #2 translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)

“Psalm 27:9- Do not conceal Your countenance from me; do not cast aside Your servant in wrath. You have been my help; do not abandon me nor forsake me, God of my deliverance. (#1)” The writer of this psalm is showing humility and is clear in what they need. I wonder if I am as clear. I know what I need but to get it my words need to be more humble and filled with compassion instead of just desire. “Psalm 27:9- Don't hide Your face from me. Don't just put me down, You who have been my helper. Don't abandon me, don't forsake me, God my support.(#2)”

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 19 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 2 weeks, and 5 days, Hod Sheb’ Tiferet.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/Psalm 27 #1 translated by Y.B. Marcus, Nissen Mangel and Eliyahu Touger, #2 translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)

“Psalm 27:10- Though my father and mother have forsaken me, the Lord has taken me in. (#1)” There are many here at my retreat with parents who have died or who are in their last stages of transition. We who were once shown compassion by our parents must now be the ones to give compassion. An enduring dance in which we switch places. It makes this line of the psalm all the meaningful.“Psalm 27:10- Though my father and my mother have left me You, Yah, will hold me securely.(#2)”

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 18 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 2 weeks, and 4 days, Netzach Sheb’ Tiferet.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/Psalm 27 #1 translated by Y.B. Marcus, Nissen Mangel and Eliyahu Touger, #2 translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)

“Psalm 27:11- Lord, teach me Your way and lead me in the path of righteousness, because of my watchful enemies. (#1)” If only the path was clear like the yellow brick road in the Wizard of Oz. In fact there is much that is not evident. I am realizing there are many people with pain from their past and we may not know it at first. So God please teach me to listen with a compassionate ear and to speak with a compassionate tongue. “Psalm 27:11- Please teach me Your way. Teach me Your way and guide me on the straight path.(#2)”

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 17 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 2 weeks, and 3 days, Tiferet Sheb’ Tiferet.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/Psalm 27 #1 translated by Y.B. Marcus, Nissen Mangel and Eliyahu Touger, #2 translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)

“Psalm 27:12-Do not give me over to the will of my oppressors, for there have risen against me false witnesses, and they speak evil. (#1)” Yes there will be those who are not kind, who actively say something negative about us. Who will not love us. Should we show these oppressors our compassion? To our family, friends, to those in need of course but these? I am not sure. “Psalm 27:12-Discourage those who defame me Because false witnesses stood up against me belching out violence. Don't let me become the victim of my foes.(#2)”

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 16 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 2 weeks, and 2 days, Gevurah Sheb’ Tiferet.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/Psalm 27 #1 translated by Y.B. Marcus, Nissen Mangel and Eliyahu Touger, #2 translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 29-23 Sefirat HaBinyan/Building the Realm and Counting Up

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalom (Reb Zalman) wrote:
“People who have worked on their awareness have pointed out that there are 49 days from the end of Tish’ah b-Av / the fast of the 9th of Av, to the day before Rosh HaShannah.  In counting S’feerah between Pesach andShavu’ot, we make our way downward from Chesed of Chesed to Malchut of Malchut.  During the Elul  season, we make our way upward from Malchut of Malchut toChesed of Chesed.”  (A Guide for Starting Your New Incarnation, 2001, ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, p. 1)

I will use this way of counting up through the days between Tisha b'Av and Rosh HaShannah to cleansing spirit and soul, using the sefirot as a spark for personal daily meditations to map out and reflect on the journey. Below are my kavanot or intentions for climbing up from 5773 to 5774.


Once upon a time we were children. If lucky we had loving parents to take care of and nurture us. They were the support posts to lean against as we stretched ourselves out into the world. How kind they must have been to put up with all our silliness. I am reminded of this as I spend the night in the house where I did most of my growing up. Each of us, mom and I, do things in our way in our respective worlds. Coming together now we must both be humble, be sensitive, and honor the other.

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 29 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 4 weeks, and 1 days, Chesed Sheb’ Hod.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)
The month of Elul begins but I am immersed in endings. One friend’s father died and another friend has cancer. I visited an elderly neighbor recently moved to an assisted living home and other elderly friends with severe pain issues. The Zohar says at the start of Elul we are achor el achor (back to back) but by the end of the month we are panim el panim (face to face). Alright. I can use God’s silent enduring support now knowing we will talk later.

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 28 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 4 weeks, Malchut Sheb’ Netzach.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)
“Psalm 27:1-By David. The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life-whom shall I dread? (#1)” There is a custom to recite Psalm 27 every morning and evening from Rosh Chodesh Elul until Hoshanah Rabbah. The Hebrew letters making up the word “Elul,” alephlamedvav and lamed, are an acronym from Song of Songs “ani l’dodi v’dodi li” meaning “I am to my beloved and my beloved is to me.” My beloved is Yah the Creator and my only fear is being left alone.Psalm 27:1-Yah! You are my light. You are my savior. Whom need I dread? Yah, with you as my strong protector who can make me panic?” (#2)

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 27 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 3 weeks, and 6 days, Yesod Sheb’ Netzach.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/Psalm 27 #1 translated by Y.B. Marcus, Nissen Mangel and Eliyahu Touger, #2 translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)
“Psalm 27:2-When evildoers approached me to devour my flesh, my oppressors and my foes, they stumbled and fell.(#1)” Trying to be eternally humble. If I do everything by myself where does community fit in? Being in prayerful devotion with the One is great but we want/need to live, love and work with people. To be a protector and be protected bonds us.“Psalm 27:2- When hateful bullies gang up on me, wanting to harass me, to oppress and terrorize me They are the ones who stumble and fall.”(#2)

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 26 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 3 weeks, and 5 days, Hod Sheb’ Netzach.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/Psalm 27 #1 translated by Y.B. Marcus, Nissen Mangel and Eliyahu Touger, #2 translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)
“Psalm 27:3-If an army were to beleaguer me, my heart would not fear; if war were to arise against me, in this I trust. (#1)” In Western culture the heart is the center of feeling but in ancient times the heart or “lev” in Hebrew was also the center of thinking. My service to God must be both emotionally felt and intellectually thought for then I will be strongly rooted.“Psalm 27:3-Even if a gang surrounds me my heart is not weakened. If a battle is joined around me my trust in You is firm.”(#2)

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 25 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 3 weeks, and 4 days, Netzach Sheb’ Netzach.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/Psalm 27 #1 translated by Y.B. Marcus, Nissen Mangel and Eliyahu Touger, #2 translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)
“Psalm 27:4- One thing I have asked of the Lord, this I seek: that I may dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the pleasantness of the Lord, and to visit His Sanctuary. (#1)” The sanctuary I seek is not outside but in my own compassionate heart. So close it only demands that I want it.“Psalm 27:3- Only one thing do I ask of You, Yah: Just this alone do I seek, I want to be at home with you, Yah, All the days of my life. I want to delight in seeing You. Seeing You when I come to visit You in Your temple.”(#2)

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 24 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 3 weeks, and 3 days, Tiferet Sheb’ Netzach.
Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/Psalm 27 #1 translated by Y.B. Marcus, Nissen Mangel and Eliyahu Touger, #2 translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)
“Psalm 27:5- For He will hide me in His tabernacle on a day of adversity; He will conceal me in the hidden places of His tent; He will lift me upon a rock. (#1)” I have flown to where I can take a whole deep breath. In. Out. No duties and no obligations. I have the space and I have the time to examine the small places in my soul as long as I am disciplined to do the work. “Psalm 27:5- You hide me in your sukkah on a foul day. You conceal me unseen in Your tent. You also raise me beyond anyone's reach.”(#2)

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 23 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 3 weeks, and 2 days, Gevurah Sheb’ Netzach.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/Psalm 27 #1 translated by Y.B. Marcus, Nissen Mangel and Eliyahu Touger, #2 translated by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)