Monday, August 5, 2013

Day 36-30 Sefirat HaBinyan/Building the Realm and Counting Up

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalom (Reb Zalman) wrote:
“People who have worked on their awareness have pointed out that there are 49 days from the end of Tish’ah b-Av / the fast of the 9th of Av, to the day before Rosh HaShannah.  In counting S’feerah between Pesach andShavu’ot, we make our way downward from Chesed ofChesed to Malchut of Malchut.  During the Elul  season, we make our way upward from Malchut of Malchut toChesed of Chesed.”  (A Guide for Starting Your New Incarnation, 2001, ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, p. 1)

I will use this way of counting up through the days between Tisha b'Av and Rosh HaShannah to cleansing spirit and soul, using the sefirot as a spark for personal daily meditations to map out and reflect on the journey. Below are my kavanot or intentions for climbing up from 5773 to 5774.


There are four fundamental layers of understanding the Torah. There are four or more layers of understanding our life. Try to be vulnerable, to open up instead of closing down. Some rabbis say in Psalm 115 the house God will bless is not just a house of brick and stone but bone, blood and spirit. Let loving-kindness from the soul’s foundation wash that inner temple. Mourning for all of us when we are too stiff necked and defensive to see the world’s many dimensions.

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 36 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 5 weeks and 1 days, Chesed Sheb’ Yesod.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)
Another horrible act comes into my consciousness. the deportation of Jews by the French in 1942. Adults with more than 4,000 young children are forced without food or water into the Velodome d’Hiver, a sports arena. Most will die in Nazi death camps. A child berates her father for not taking better care of his family and saving them. Mourning those without leaderhip qualities unsure when to take a stand and when to be humble.

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 35 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 5 weeks, Malchut Sheb’ Hod.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)
One book, “Sara’s Key” the story of broken bonds and the death of a child, has been finished but in morning’s early hours a story of a child’s birth begins. The reality of death and the balancing reality of life. The parents, my cousins, have been humbled as they waited for this baby girl weeks overdue. Let the bonding, started in a small dark place, continue in the light outside greeted by family and community. This day’s 8lbs of consolation is baby Rebekah Hope.

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.
Today there are 34 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 4 weeks, and 6 days, Yesod Sheb’ Hod.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)
On this day in 1944, the 25 day of Av, 15yr old Anne Frank was arrested with her family in the loft where they were hiding in Amsterdam. Anne was deported to Auschwitz and then killed in Bergen-Belsen less than a year later. It is humbling to read some of the words she wrote in her diary considering her age and circumstances. “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”-Anne Frank.

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 33 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 4 weeks, and 5 days, Hod Sheb’ Hod.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)
The sky is charged as we almost slip into Shabbat with signs of the beautiful light of sunset as well as the dark black clouds signaling a storm. Several raindrops fall on my arm. I know I am humble enough to accept what comes. I am also disciplined enough to carry a plastic bag for protecting important items. Isn’t that how life is, maybe going this way and maybe going the other. We have to be open to possibilities and yet make plans for the direction we want to go.

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 32 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 4 weeks, and 4 days, Netzach Sheb’ Hod.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)
Is compassionate humility part of my personality? Yours? I think I am a compassionate person but is there a test I can take to make sure? In the dictionary they define humility as “a modest or low view of one’s own importance; modesty, meekness.” I am not sure anyone would describe me as meek and the view of myself isn’t high or low. I do what I do very well but I am not curing cancer. Even so I believe my presence is needed in the world. Yours too.

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 31 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 4 weeks, and 3 days, Tiferet Sheb’ Hod.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)
I never cease to be humbled by everything created by God. From the miracle of my heart beating on its own to my lungs taking air in and pushing it out even when I am asleep I stand in awe. Each morning when my eyes open and I see a new day is before me I am amazed. You would think then I would have respect for every person who comes before me since they are one of those creations. I need to focus less on actions and more to their core.

RIBBONO SHEL OLAM: I hereby prepare myself for Sefirat HaBinyan / a counting for building God’s realm during the time between Tisha B’av and erev Rosh HaShannah.

Today there are 30 days left until erev Rosh HaShannah, which is 4 weeks, and 2 days, Gevurah Sheb’ Hod.

Dear God: Please let me be a vessel for Your light and help to align me with Your will. May this period of Sefirat HaBinyan and the New Year be for good, for peace and for blessing for all of Israel, for all inhabitants of the earth and let us say Amen.
(Day kavanah by Menuhah Peters/prayer by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi & Gabbi Seth Fishman)

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