Saturday, May 3, 2014

Counting the Omer-Week 3/COMPASSION-Day 5/SPLENDOR

The four kinds of Promised Land milk in Siesta Key market.

Week 3-/(Tiferet) COMPASSION-Day 5/(Hod) SPLENDOR

At the hotel in Siesta Key I checked that I had a fridge. Then I went to a supermarket to buy a matzah, fruits, vegetables, cream cheese, fish and fresh milk. For three days I had been drinking milk in small lunch sizes that contained preservatives. I had been heating a cup of milk and putting it in a cup of crushed matzah with sugar and raisins instead of my regular oatmeal. I was also heating a cup of milk for my morning latte. Boxed milk is better than no milk but the the extra ingredients to preserve it don't taste so nice in my opinion. I have compassion for my tummy as well as many other things. When I got to the dairy case I saw not just regular milk but ones labeled "all natural Promised Land milk". On the back of the label was a biblical quote from Deuteronomy "He brought us to this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey." How splendid it seemed to buy and drink this milk during Passover. Splendid indeed.

After nightfall on Saturday:

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us concerning the counting of the Omer.

Today is nineteen days which is two weeks and five days of the omer.

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