Practicing a walking meditation on the lawn.
Week 4-/(Netzach) ENDURANCE-Day 1/(Chesed) LOVE
What will we do that will endure? I think we all want to live and we all want to leave a mark on this world. Perhaps we love so we will be remembered by someone. As a teacher I am always hoping I will be able to show kindness and love to my students and that this kindness and love will endure in the way they treat others for the rest of their life. At times I teach them intentions or meditations so they will remember this kindness and love. I have been teaching them Thich Nhat Hanh's walking meditation to kiss the earth with your feet. As we walk in a line on the lawn I invite them to say yes, ken, oui, si on the in breath and then say thank you, todah, merci and gracias on the out breath. I want them to say "YES" to life in whatever language they are speaking so we do it in English, Hebrew, French and Spanish. I want them to thank the earth for being there to walk on and so we use various words for "thank you" as well. May at least the energy of love endure.
After nightfall on Tuesday:
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us concerning the counting of the Omer.
Today is twenty two days which is three weeks and one day of the omer.
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