Sunday, May 25, 2014

Counting the Omer-Week 6/BONDING-Day 6/BONDING

The Pope at the separation wall in Bethlehem.

Week 6-/(Yesod) BONDING-Day 6/(Yesod) BONDING

What is it that either allows us to bond with someone or else keeps us from bonding? If we are looking to find a friend or lover it might be shared interests, dreams or desires that connects us. If we are hoping to bond with a job or activity it might be that we find we are good at it or else that something about it stimulates us. If it is a place or country it might be the way of life, the food or the geography. This all might be so if the thing, the person, the place is new but what if that isn't the case? If there is any negative history with something or someone it can make it difficult to see them or hear them without prejudice. Our hatreds, our fears, our anger, our defenses become gates, fences or walls of separation that become hard to destroy or climb over. The enemy of my friend becomes my enemy and the enemy of my enemy becomes my friend but neither brings us closer together. We have to resist name calling and become vulnerable. And then, just maybe.

After nightfall on Sunday:

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us concerning the counting of the Omer.

Today is forty-one days which is five weeks and six days of the omer.

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