Thursday, May 22, 2014

Counting the Omer-Week 6/BONDING-Day 3/COMPASSION

Grandma and I during my first year of life.

Week 6-/(Yesod) BONDING-Day 3/(Tiferet) COMPASSION

I have one photo of myself with a grand parent. It is during my first year of life. My father's mother, Dora, holds me while sitting on our couch. It is the only physical connection I have to any of my grandparents. My mother's parents died before I was born as did my father's father. Since I was so little I don't have any memories of grandma Dora except the stories my mother tells me. How grandma came to stay before I was born and wanted to sleep in the bed my parents shared. My mom refused. How grandma told my mother to stop sunbathing lest it leave the future baby with black skin. Yes, grandma Dora was no doubt racist. I have felt sorry for myself for lacking the bond of being someone's grandchild and thus  spoiled rotten. Aunts and uncles tried to pick up the slack as did a friend of my dad's who smelled old and let her beard hairs grow to prickly length so that I hated kissing her. Sigh. Savor those old people if you have them!

After nightfall on Thursday:

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us concerning the counting of the Omer.

Today is thirty-eight days which is five weeks and three days of the omer.

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