Friday, May 23, 2014

Counting the Omer-Week 6/BONDING-Day 4/ENDURANCE

Robin, Roger, Jennifer and Alex bring in Gan Shabbat.

Week 6-/(Yesod) BONDING-Day 4/(Netzach) ENDURANCE

There are temporary bonds made between us and others that either don't last because their purpose has been served or because we choose not to continue them. Other things such as family bonds may endure in spite of whether we want them to or not. The best is when what happens to us and what we want somehow aligns themselves into wonderful bonds that are not broken even by death. Today I had one of my Gan families come in for their very last Gan shabbats. The bond between them and the Gan is not going to continue because their children are moving on. We will find a new way for our personal bond to continue but for that to happen some things will have to be let go of. To keep our bonding fresh we have to let it grow. I am sad at losing what we have had in my capacity as Gan teacher but excited to see what happens in my role as friend. Today a child, now a young lady who once couldn't even read lead us in full kiddush. How wonderful is the world and who can say what will happen next.

After nightfall on Friday:

Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us concerning the counting of the Omer.

Today is thirty-nine days which is five weeks and four days of the omer.

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